About the Founder
Mahesh’s journey started in 2008. At that time, he used to study in college. Once, on one of his friend’s birthdays, they went to the hospital like always. They especially celebrate in the children’s ward. There Mahesh met a four-year-old boy named Rupesh while distributing fruits. He generally asks children their names, problems, and how many days were they hospitalized. Similarly, he asked Rupesh as well. His mother was sitting beside him, and she said her son is HIV positive; he has AIDS.
Mahesh & his friends asked the doctor about how this child got infected with HIV AIDS, and the doctor said the AIDS could sometimes be transmitted from mother to child. Not only Rupesh, but there were also many more children admitted due to HIV AIDS in that Hospital. At that time Mahesh and his friends were only 21 years old, and they made up their minds to do something for the children infected with HIV AIDS. From there Mahesh Foundation started and gave helping hands to HIV AIDS children.
When they started working with HIV-positive children and people, they come to know that they are one of the communities that has a very large share in blood requirement. In some cases, HIV-positive children suffer from such diseases that they required blood every month. Then, Mahesh has his own vision to support their blood requirement and started MyBlood Charitable Blood Center which provides life-saving blood to the needy free of cost.
Mahesh Jadhav, Founder
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