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Donate blood and inspire others

Welcome to MyBlood Charitable Blood Center

To save precious lives we are encouraging people for voluntary blood donation

Help Line : 7777-88-11-48

Total blood available with MyBlood Charitable Blood Center, Belagavi


Who We Are?

The utilization of blood is increasingly becoming an important and indispensable component of clinical care, especially in the surgically-related fields. There are a lot of instances where patients die due to the non-availability of blood at the right time. As a solution to this problem, Mahesh Foundation established MyBlood Charitable Blood Center to raise awareness among the youth to encourage them to donate blood and save precious lives. The mission of this blood Center is to establish new policies/procedures in order to manage, control the process of requesting or donating blood and maintain the quality with high standard. We designed this blood Center as it should bridge the gap between the donor and the receiver.

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It is estimated that nearly 12,000 individuals die in India each day, due to non-availability of quality blood.


Among the 15 million blood units collected annually, 1 million blood units were being wasted.

Waiting Time

On an average a patient in India had to wait more than 12 hours to get blood transfused after raising the request from a suitable blood donor.



Blood Donation in numbers

India has a shortage of 2 Million Blood Units. There is a requirement of 15 million units of blood annually. However, we are only able to collect 13 million units. We just need 2% of India’s youth to donate regularly to address the complete demand.

Why MyBlood Charitable Blood Center

MyBlood connects blood donors with the needy without any intermediary with an efficient and seamless process. MyBlood tries to solve the issue related to the availability of blood and blood components. The solution tries to make the best optimization of blood distribution. We work to bridge the gap between the donor and the receiver of the blood.

Want to Know About Blood Donation
Your generosity would Save up to Three Lives.
Be a Life Saviour, Be a Hero for Someone.
A healthy person aged between 18-65 years can donate blood. Males can donate blood at an interval of 3 months and female can donate blood at 4 months.
Being a Donor or Receiver

Know more about blood testing and safety.

Blood Type and Compatibility

Learn more about different blood types and compatibility.

Blood Components and SDP

Learn more about blood components and single donor platelet.

Donation Process

Know about donation steps, before, during and after blood donation.

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Blood Utilization

Learn about what happens to your donated blood.

We offer the following facilities at MyBlood Charitable Blood Center


Leucodepleted single donor platelet by Plateletpheresis.




Blood Testing


Whole human blood


Packed Red Blood cells


Fresh frozen plasma


Platelet concentrates


Blood and Its Component Separation

MyBlood Charitable Blood Center Infrastructure

Glimpses of MyBlood Charitable Blood Center infrastructure facility. It collects, processes, stores and distributes blood and its components. It plays a vital role in ensuring an adequate and safe supply of blood for transfusion to patients in need. The MyBlood Charitable Blood Center serves 24X7 to save the lives of the needy with efficiency, integrity and transparency. It is well-equipped with advanced machinery and equipment.

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Follow our journey

Follow our Journey

Donate Blood and Be a Hero by Saving Lives.

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